Wednesday, March 26, 2025


TS Entertainment announces legal action against Hyosung for signing with a new agency

TS Entertainment is taking legal action against Hyosung for violation of the contract.

On October 29, TS Entertainment officially announced their plans to take strict legal action against Hyosung for signing with a new agency, TOMMY & PARTNERS.

TS Entertainment stated,

"Our contract with Hyosung is still valid. A court trial is scheduled to take place on November 14, 2018, regarding this matter. Therefore, Hyosung signing with a new agency is a dual contract, and clearly a violation of the contract.

It's unfortunate how Hyosung signed a new contract and sent out a press release without having any discussion or going through proper procedures with us, in midst of our ongoing legal battle. We will take strict legal action against her for processing a new contract and announcing it to the press, and defaming our image and leading to confusion.

We appreciate everyone who loves and looks out for our artists. We will work our best for our artists.

Thank you."

Earlier, Hyosung announced she has signed with a new agency TOMMY & Partners. Meanwhile, Hyosung and TS Entertainment's legal battle on monetary issues is ongoing.

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