

Jay Park talks about a girl group he likes + LOCO shares embarrassing moments while performing

Jay Park and LOCO charmed the audience with their music and funny interview on'Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook.'

On the November 5 installment of 'Sketchbook', Jay Park talked about his recent news on donating his performance fees; the singer drew attention recently by announcing that he would be donating the money he gets from performing at colleges. LOCO also shared his good deed, which was participating in an anti-smoking campaign. He said, "they changed my lyric to 'If you smoke, you close your eyes forever," making the audience laugh. 

When asked to talk about a memorable performance, LOCO said, "I performed in front of two middle-aged ladies, and the lyric was something like, 'You suck and I'm the best.'" He continued, "Once I realized my flyer was open while I was rapping. I did not want to turn around to zip it up, so I did not while facing the audience, confidently. My nickname became 'LOCO-chu' (LOCO + last syllable from Korean word for 'penis')." 

The two singers also revealed what type of girls they are attracted to. LOCO shared, "I like pretty girls with a big forehead," to which Yoo Hee Yeol said, "Are you talking about Gollum (Smeagol)?" Jay Park shared that since entering his 30s (Korean age), he finds himself smiling while watching girl groups' dance practices. He then demonstrated TWICE's "TT" dance. 

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