

Donghae writes a letter to his fans from the army on his birthday

Donghae wrote to his fans from the army.

October 15th was Donghae's birthday, and it also marked 1 year since he enlisted. He wrote a letter to his fans and posted a photo onto his Instagram. He wrote,

ELF, how are you doing??!!
It's Super Junior's Donghae. Today is October 15th, my birthday, and also 1 year since I enlisted. Now that I look back, it's already been 1 year since I told ELF, I'll be back soon!! Every day, I think absout when I'll see you again and I get excited. When I first enlisted, everything was something I was experiencing for the first time, so I thought a lot and worried if I could do well, but now I think I'm really doing well!! ^^ I'm doing well with all the love ELF are sending me, so don't worry!! We'll meet soon, so wait just a little longer!! Don't get sick!!
I'll be back healthily.
I love you, ELF.
To ELF on my birthday and 1 year anniversary since enlisting.
Lee Donghae

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