
Showing posts with label GOSSIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOSSIP. Show all posts

Kris makes official response to SM Entertainment's lawsuit

With the reveal of SM Entertainment's lawsuit against Kris and associated companies in China, he's now come forward with his own official statement.

Kris' personal workshop and studio posted to his Weibo on July 31: 

"On July 31, SM Entertainment publicly released a statement that accused Kris (Wu Yi Fan) as well as the companies associated with him of violating his contract by engaging in entertainment activities in China. SM claimed that Wu Yi Fan violated his contract by participating in entertainment and business activities. Because of this, Wu Yi Fan studio has released this statement:

On January 15, 2008, Wu Yi Fan left for a foreign country to become an SM Entertainment trainee to fulfill his dream of becoming an artist. After signing with SM, SM delayed his debut date for a prolonged period again and again. In 2012, Wu Yi Fan debuted, and in 2013, he discovered that a recording he'd practiced for during 10 days had been suddenly canceled. When he asked a manager for the reason, SM Entertainment suggested that he be removed from EXO for several months and other entertainment developments were stopped on purpose. After a lot of negotiating, he was able to return to the group, but afterwards, he continued to encounter unfair situations, pressure, and limited resources. When he returned, discrimination by his manager caused a lot of tension, and he encountered unreasonable, difficult work hours with not enough rest, which drastically impacted his health. Since July of 2013, he's been receiving injections and IV drips to keep up with his work schedule. In January 2014 when he returned to China, his checkup indicated signs of myocarditis. Despite this, SM was unable to get Wu Yi Fan treatment or recuperation. SM was also unfair about distribution of income, putting limits on his development and preventing future development from taking place. Because of this, Wu Yi Fan lost his trust in the label's management.

Due to the above reasons, Wu Yi Fan had no choice but to file a lawsuit to the Seoul Central District Court on May 15, 2014, requesting the court to terminate his exclusive contract with SM. On May 13, 2015, Seoul Central District Court ruled that Wu Yi Fan had exclusive management rights to himself outside of Korea. We believe the above mandatory ruling is fair and reasonable. Despite a year-long mediation, SM refused the court's ruling of termination of contract and restarted the litigation process, delaying Wu Yi Fan's contract termination and hampering his personal living schedule and arrangements for work in the entertainment industry. 

Wu Yi Fan has always been grateful to SM from the beginning as well as grateful to those who have helped him to develop. He is willing to accept Seoul Central District Court's ruling and will continue with what the court decides is reasonable.

At the same time, Wu Yi Fan has hired a team of professional Chinese and Korean lawyers to manage the lawsuit, and he will continue his work commitments in China. Relating to Wu Yi Fan and SM's termination of contract, Wu Yi Fan and his studio will not provide further responses before the court's final decision as everything will be dealt with by the lawyers."

What are your thoughts on this ongoing issue between Wu Yi Fan and SM Entertainment?

Ms. Choi refutes Kim Hyun Joong's side's claims + reveals that Kim Hyun Joong assaulted her after she caught him cheating, and also pushed her to get an abortion

Ms. Choi, who had kept relatively silent the past few months, has spoken out with a lengthy statement, no longer able to withstand the accusations that have been made against her.

If you've been keeping up, you'll know that Kim Hyun Joong's side has been insisting for a few months now that Ms. Choi had been lying about everything, including her previous pregnancy and miscarriage, as well as Kim Hyun Joong's assault being the cause of her miscarriage. They also claimed that Ms. Choi blackmailed Kim Hyun Joong into giving her a settlement money of 600 million KRW by telling him that if he does not give her the money, she will expose his assault and her miscarriage to the media.

However, according to Ms. Choi, those are all false claims and lies by Kim Hyun Joong's side in attempts to slander her image.

She has now released a compilation of numerous text message logs and a lengthy letter to refute what Kim Hyun Joong's side is insisting.

In her letter, Ms. Choi began by explaining why she is speaking up after remaining silent these past few months. She stated, "I have been keeping my silence after I filed my lawsuit. I did not try to make any clarifications or issued any responses. This was because I had believed that I thought that the truth will be revealed through the court. However, the longer I remained silent, the more attorney Lee Jae Man (Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer) attacked me. Without any concrete evidence and relying only on assumptions and guesses, he made me into a national criminal."

She also added, "I thought that this was, of course, a price that I had to pay. Because dating Kim Hyun Joong, liking him, being assaulted by him, reconciling with him, and getting impregnated by him again were all due to the choices I made. So I tried to endure it all. I tried to hold it all in. But the funny thing is, it turns out that 'silence is admittance'. I learned that suddenly at one point, attorney Lee Jae Man's claims had become accepted as the truth. Currently, I'm even at the risk of giving birth pre-maturely due to the immense stress I'm under. I think it'll be hard to endure it longer. So I'll reveal the truth, and if there is anything I've done wrong, I will ask for forgiveness."

She then listed several points, refuting the claims that Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer has been mentioning over the past few months, while also revealing new information.

1. Kim Hyun Joong's assault and bodily harm

"Attorney Lee Jae Man says that there was never any assault. He says I fabricated the assault case from May 30, 2014 (2 weeks for full recovery) and July 22, 2014."

Ms. Choi goes on to say that she reported Kim Hyun Joong on August 20, 2014 for 4 cases of assault by Kim Hyun Joong. She explained that even when she withdrew the assault charges against him later, the court pursued legal action for injuries that were caused. To get out of being hit with a serious criminal charge, Kim Hyun Joong needed her to issue a statement to the court about why she did not want him punished. 

So, in exchange, Kim Hyun Joong's side gave her 600 million KRW as a form of compensation for damages for the assault. However, Ms. Choi points out that this 600 million KRW that was issued to her in compensation for the assault, is now being described by attorney Lee Jae Man as a settlement fee for when she blackmailed Kim Hyun Joong about revealing her former pregnancy and miscarriage to the world.

She says she never once mentioned the word 'pregnancy' or 'miscarriage' in her court documents, and that it was Kim Hyun Joong who warned her to never mention that to his agency Key East or his lawyer, nor her court documents.

With this, she included text messages from Kim Hyun Joong that tell her "this can't be mentioned in your lawsuit", "you'll get hurt too". She also included the report from the prosecution (see below) that found Kim Hyun Joong guilty of causing bodily harm , and she also says that Kim Hyun Joong himself confessed to his assault during the questioning with the prosecution. Afterwards, he asked her to send a petition to the court [saying that she doesn't want him punished].

2. Pregnancy and miscarriage

"Attorney Lee Jae Man says I was never pregnant back in May of 2014 and that of course there was no miscarriage either. Attorney Lee says that my medical document that describes my 4 weeks of no menstruation cannot be proof of my pregnancy."

Ms. Choi then goes onto say that that her menstruation cycle is very consistent and that she noticed right away when she didn't have her period on her scheduled day. So she tested for pregnancy with pregnancy testers on several occasions (May 14,15 of 2014), even with Kim Hyun Joong around one time, and they all indicated 2 lines (pregnant).

She says Kim Hyun Joong had told her to visit the hospital and she did, but it had been too early to see anything on the ultrasound. However, soon after she learned of Kim Hyun Joong's affair with a female celebrity 'L'. So she confronted him and asked to break up. It was then that Kim Hyun Joong told her it wasn't true and assaulted her for 30 minutes (May 30, 2014). She says she started to suffer bloody bowel discharges and suspected of miscarriage, and event sent Kim Hyun Joong a text saying, 'Because you hit my stomach plenty of times, I think I miscarried.'

She visited the hospital after her bruises subsided 2 weeks later (June 13, 2014), and the hospital told her that they noticed that her endometrium is thickening again, which indicates that her menstruation cycle is once again starting.

With this, she included text message history between herself and a close friend, showing the pregnancy tester results (see below).

3. July abortion and assault

"Attorney Lee Jae Man insists that the repeated pregnancies and miscarriages are lies. The only pregnancy they acknowledge up to now is the current pregnancy. Of course their position is that they have to do a DNA test for the current pregnancy as well."

Ms. Choi then goes on to reveal that after she miscarried on May 30, 2014, she was impregnated again in July 2014. She also says that in their text messages, Kim Hyun Joong also mentioned how it might be too early to go check now (June 29), showing that he knows from her previous pregnancy that going to the gynecologist early will not produce anything on the ultrasound.

So after waiting, she went to the hospital and the result was that she was pregnant, and the ultrasound pictures revealed her womb. She says this diagnosis has already been submitted to the court, and that attorney Lee Jae Man should be well aware of this (even though he does not mention this part in his claims).

She then revealed that this time she also lost her baby, not due to miscarriage, but due to abortion as Kim Hyun Joong did not want the baby. She said text messages show that he had kept suggesting getting an abortion.

She also detailed what happened after her abortion by saying,

"Kim Hyun Joong even said that we should take a trip to Jeju Island together after my [abortion] surgery. I told him that I was having a hard time because it had only been a few days after the surgery, but Kim Hyun Joong even asked me if it was possible to talk to the doctor about it over the phone.

What is important here is that only 3 days after I received the abortion, on July 10, Kim Hyun Joong assaulted me. 

Kim Hyun Joong brought over a female celebrity 'J' to his home. I went to visit him with a friend of mine, and caught the two of them in bed naked.

And I was once again mercilessly assaulted by him in the presence of that female celebrity and my friend. I will be calling that female celebrity in as a witness."

4. Current pregnancy 

"Attorney Lee Jae Man says that I didn't show them the fetus back in January of this year, and that in March, I even blocked their entrance to the ultrasound room."

Ms. Choi calls this an absurd claim, and explains that getting an ultrasound requires her to pull down her underwear. She says it's hard to even do such a thing in front of her own father, so how could she invite Kim Hyun Joong's parents into the ultrasound room with her? She then reveals that she however asked Kim Hyun Joong to come in with her, but Kim Hyun Joong's mother blocked their conversation. And that this is why Kim Hyun Joong and his parents were not present inside the ultrasound room with her.

She also explains that this was the hospital chosen by Kim Hyun Joong's parents and that even the doctor in charge showed them ultrasound pictures and told them the child is growing well, so she isn't sure why they suspected her of being not pregnant.

She also points out the Kim Hyun Joong's lawyers found pictures she sent her friend, which showed her taking a trip somewhere on a bicycle. They used this to raise suspicion asking how a pregnant woman could be going on trips. However, Ms. Choi says she had been simply sending pictures she took from a previous occasion to her friend, never in her wildest imagination thinking that they would dig up such photos and use it as proof to bring suspicions up about her pregnancy. 

Both Hong Jin Ho and Lady Jane say no to dating rumors yet again

Dating rumors between Hong Jin Ho and Lady Jane are sprouting once again! They have been through dating rumors several times before, pretty much every few months since last summer. But alas, although they look good together, they insist that they are just close friends.

According to a report released on July 17 by one news outlet, the two were said to have been a couple for nearly 5 months now and celebrated 100 days of being together with a party recently.
One insider relayed, "Last May, in an undisclosed place in Hongdae in Seoul, the two people had a '100 days of our relationship' celebration party. Friends and colleagues were said to have taken part in the gathering to celebrate their love."

Due to their undeniable chemistry together, and especially with that kiss on JTBC's dating show '5 Days of Summer', it's easy to believe they are in fact a couple.

However, Lady Jane's side was quick to respond, as they told X Sports News, "It's true Lady Jane and Hong Jin Ho are close, but they are not in a dating relationship."

Hong Jin Ho's side
 told Star News, "The reports saying he is in a relationship with Lady Jane is not true. After talking with him directly on the phone, he said he's not dating Lady Jane, so why would there have been a 100-day party."

They added, "They're so close that they could have met with other celebrities, but they are not dating. After '5 Days of Summer' we think the interest in the two has increased."

Both sides also mentioned that if the two are dating, then they will tell the public they are.

A Pink's Bomi can't stop her tears as she says goodbye on 'Weekly Idol'

A Pink's Bomi shed tears saying her goodbyes with BTOB's Ilhoon on the July 8 episode of 'Weekly Idol.' 

Fellow cast member Jung Hyung Don expressed his gratitude towards the two idols with sincere words that went, "Today is the last broadcast for Ilhoon and Bomi who have been with us for two years. To show our thanks for the two who gave their all and wasn't afraid to ruin their images, we prepared a plaque of appreciation that expresses our grateful hearts."

The MCs gave the idols additional gifts as goodbye presents, giving Ilhoon select health-conscious goods and even setting up a meal for them. Bomi, overwhelmed by the MCs' kindness, said, "I'm sad because we were like family. I feel like I learned many things from you guys. I will come to visit when I can," unable to hold back her tears. 

Jung Hyung Don tried to console the idol and elevate the mood with a joke, lightheartedly saying, "You cry like a female idol should. We need this kind of image." The MC added, "We send our thanks in their stead to the production crew. From now on, we will work harder to become a better A Pink and BTOB," delivering a word of thanks to all the viewers who showed love for the idols. 

Sunhwa's latest post once again triggers speculations of discord among SECRET members

Although SECRET's Hyosung tried to clarify the speculations of discord between her members Sunhwa and Hana through her latest appearance on 'Radio Star', Sunhwa's latest tweet has once again left fans scratching their heads. 

If you remember, Hyosung had said on the show, "Sunhwa wrote what she wrote not to [target] Hana but because she thought people might misunderstand her drinking habit."And also added that the members have a close relationship.

However, after 'Radio Star's airing, Sunhwa posted some ambiguous words on Twitter that some believe are in response to what Hyosung said on the show.

Sunhwa wrote on June 24, 
"I was falling asleep but awake now... 
That's not what it is" 

This led fans to wonder if Sunhwa is pointing out that what Hyosung said on the show is not how things actually are.

Afraid of further rumors spreading, many responded to her tweet, reminding Sunhwa that she should not post such words that may potentially cause such speculations on her public SNS account.

SM Entertainment issues official response to rumors of Sulli leaving f(x)

We thought we may be in for a long wait, but SM Entertainment has actually responded sooner than expected with their official statement regarding the rumors of f(x)'s Sulli leaving the group.

After checking into the situation, the agency offered a short and sweet statement to media outlets, commenting, "There is nothing that has been decided. We will make a decision on Sulli's future group activities after careful consideration."

Another rep added on, "We are flustered that such articles have come out when nothing has been concretely decided on regarding Sulli." In relation to the rumors about f(x) coming back as a 4 member group in September, the rep said, "We are also currently picturing a comeback in the later half of the year for f(x), but no details have been decided yet on that either."

What are your thoughts about this situation? Do you think there is any truth to these rumors, or are they exaggerated speculations simply floating around due to Sulli's inactivity?

Wonder Girls to pick up their instruments to make a comeback as a band rather than a dance group?

Fans are getting super hyped to hear that the Wonder Girls may be changing things up by making a comeback as a 4-member group this time around including Sunmi. But there looks to be even more changes for their comeback this year, as they're rumored to be returning not as an idol dance group, but as an idol band!

The rumors have spread because many insiders in the music scene have seen the Wonder Girls carry around instruments to and from the practice rooms. Yubin has reported to be on drums, Lim on guitar, Sunmi on bass, and Yenny on keyboards.

Insiders also said that the Wonder Girls' MV filming, which took place in Namyangju, Gyeonggi province, was filmed with a band concept.

The Wonder Girls are said to be planning to return around August (one article speculates the specific date is August 3). Stay tuned for any updates to come!

Ga In is embarrassed when asked if she's dating on 'Going to School'

Ga In, who is currently in a public relationship with Joo Ji Hoon, turned beet red on the April 21 installment of JTBC's 'Going to School' when her dating life came up.

SHINee's Taemin was giving dating advice to his friends in the classroom, and Ga In showed curiosity regarding this. A female student noticed and asked, "You're dating, right?" Taken by surprise, Ga In suddenly buried her head in her desk, showing embarrassment. Taemin teased, "She must be so embarrassed that even her hair turned red." 

Later, in an interview with the production crew, Ga In said, "Taemin acted like he knew. Taemin must date first. It's the prime time of dating for him. These days, everybody is dating publicly, so does he have no thoughts to [do the same]?"

Well, it's usually because they're caught on dates by 'Dispatch', so guess Ga In gave them a new project to work on!

More details about Lee Min Ho and Suzy's relationship revealed, who approached who?

Everyone has been curious about the details after Suzy and Lee Min Ho's relationship hit headlines, and though it's already been revealed that they've been dating for a month or so, you probably want to know more! 
According to recent reports, it was Lee Min Ho who approached Suzy as she's been his ideal type for a while. One media outlet alleged, "Lee Min Ho approached Suzy first around January, February, and they met. Lee Min Ho has always said that he likes, 'bright and lovable women,' and that ideal type synced up with Suzy." 
Reportedly, Lee Min Ho showed interest in the miss A member at the preview event for his film 'Gangnam 1970', which she attended. Though he took time to move forward, he eventually took the action to get closer to Suzy.

As for their recent meeting in London, one insider revealed that Lee Min Ho's mother and older sister were also present. Though headlines made it seem as if Lee Min Ho and Suzy spent three days and two nights together, which involved a hotel location, the insider alleged that his family members were there with him. Suzy is also said to have traveled with her female manager. 

As mentioned previously, JYP Entertainment and Star House Entertainment confirmed that the two stars have been dating for about a month after they were photographed together overseas.

Girl group member's boyfriend causes five-car collision driving under the influence

It has been revealed that a girl group member was present during her boyfriend's DUI car accident. 

The incident occurred earlier today on March 21, when a 200 million won (approx. $180,000 USD) Audi R8 crashed into a taxi, pushed it forward, and started a chain reaction of rear-end collisions in the Gangnam District of Seoul. A total of five cars got involved in the accident and 10 people were injured. 

The driver of the Audi R8 is identified as 30-year-old Yeon. Police found that he had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.106% (the limit for legally driving in South Korea is a BAC of 0.05%). According to reports, Yeon hurled insults at the police while being investigated.

Yeon was not alone in his car, however. Witnesses claimed that the intoxicated woman sitting in his passenger's seat was a famous girl group member. At the 0:55 mark in the clip above, although the passengers face is blurred, she can be heard saying, "To my friend, I...," before covering her face.

A witness tells 'channel A' in the clip above at the 1:00 mark, "The XXX member got her forehead and elbow scratched so she went to the hospital. Her agency will probably try to evade the issue. It's obvious because her identity isn't being revealed and she lowers her head when pictures are being taken.

The police confirmed that they were not releasing the name of the passenger to neither the public nor the victims.

Meanwhile, Yeon apparently told the police, "[The passenger] is my girlfriend; you can't reveal her name. Her name has the letter 'J' in it."

Some netizens have already started guessing that the girl group member in question may be SPICA's Jiwon, as her name consists of the letter 'J' and some claim that the blurred picture used in the news clip looks like her.

Whoever it is, we hope she, as well as the other victims, will be alright! 

Suzy and Lee Min Ho's relationship used to cover up political corruption?

Suspicions that politicians manipulate celebrity news and rumors in order to cover up political corruptions and crimes are not uncommon, and this time, netizens are bringing up the possibility that the reports of Suzy and Lee Min Ho were released in order to cover up negative news about former president, Lee Myung Bak

One netizen wrote on Nate Pann when the reports on the idol and Hallyu actor's relationship broke out, "I was surprised when I saw the news. If you look at the dates of when Lee Min Ho and Suzy met, March 15 and February 25, they are both in the past. I'm not a journalist so I'm not certain, but why would they keep it on the down low when they've discovered a jackpot story? And why were there three relationship reports that came out? (Suzy, Park Ha SunJang Yoon Joo)." 

The netizen went on to release a screen shot of an exclusive report by Herald Economy which revealed that former president Lee Myung Bak had invested over 280 billion KRW (~ 250 million USD) to fund 29 international natural resource development businesses through general loan for five years. 

This is just like the time Seo Bum Jo's mother from drama 'Pinocchio' tried to steer away the public's attention by releasing sensational entertainment news. 

The post asked that readers search the story about Lee Myung Bak and his potentially problematic investment in these international businesses so that the controversy wouldn't get ignored or overlooked.

One commenter wrote, "When the reports on Suzy came out, I smelled something was up. Why would they just release news about a new relationship all of a sudden? Celebrities are just pawns for politicians.

In addition, Herald Economy reported the possibility of smaller businesses bribing representatives of Korea Mineral Resources Corporation in order to receive loans, then using the funds for other things.

Clara releases recording of Polaris Entertainment CEO allegedly threatening her + Polaris responds

On March 17, Channel A News aired an exclusive report in regards to the lawsuit between Polaris Entertainment and Clara with a recording of CEO Lee Kyu Tae allegedly threatening the celebrity. 

In the recording, you can hear Lee Kyu Tae saying to Clara, "[Celebrity A] ultimately said that she wasn't going to work with me anymore and I stopped everything in one day. CJ,Loen, I stopped every airing, right? She was nothing after that. I'm talking about that. If I wanted to...

The reporter then finished Lee Kyu Tae's sentence, claiming that he had said, "If I wanted to, I can easily stop the path of any celebrity." According to the report, Clara claimed that these were the words Lee Kyu Tae had said to Clara back in August 2014.

CEO Lee Kyu Tae was also heard saying, "What can you gain when I get mad? I can use the money that I could've used for your benefit to destroy you. You don't know, you don't know who I am. I can see everything that you're doing, your Kakao messages, even the messages you send after changing your phone." 

Later that day, Polaris Entertainment addressed the report, confidently stating that the so-called evidence was not enough to turn the tables around, and told Star Today, "[The police] sent its opinion about prosecuting Clara and her father Lee Seung Kyu on the charges of joint-blackmailing to the prosecutor's office. Everything can be explained through [the outcome of the case]. We don't feel the need to respond to this."  The agency added that they have enough evidence against Clara of her wrongdoings. 

Meanwhile, it was previously reported that Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency sent its opinion about prosecuting Clara and her father and believed that Clara's father had blackmailed CEO Lee Kyu Tae with claims of sexual humiliation in order to terminate the contract. 

Netizens freak out at the possibility of Red Velvet being a rotational group

With Yeri's recent addition to girl group Red Velvet and no word of explanation from SM Entertainment, netizens have been abuzz with questions. Why a new member? Why didn't she debut with Red Velvet from the start? Some are even wondering: are there more members to come? 

Recently, a netizen posted on online community Instiz the theory that Red Velvet may be a rotational group and that the member lineup might change at any time. 

In the post titled "Red Velvet rotation group," the netizen muses that SM seemed to have hinted at Yeri's addition by including her in Red Velvet's debut MV "Happiness" along with six other female SM trainees. The netizen uploads the following picture, a collage of screenshots from the MV. Yeri is the girl wearing red shown on the bottom left in the second picture. 

The netizen adds that a few months ago, these same rookies, including Yeri, were strangely introduced to the public on stage for an SM concert, likely the 'SMTOWN Live World Tour IV.' Only female trainee Rami was missing. 

Perhaps this is the lineup that could join Red Velvet at anytime? 

The netizen further points out that even after Red Velvet's debut, the girls SeulgiIrene,Wendy, and Joy are still listed under trainee group S.M.ROOKIES as if they are still trainees rather than official members. The netizen concludes, "It seems highly likely that Red Velvet is a rotational group.

Netizens seem convinced by the post's evidence and have mostly reacted negatively to the possibility. Comments include, "SM Entertainment, what's wrong with you, don't be like that TT," "Ah, really TT," "Please I'm begging you TT," "SM is letting us down...," and, "In the video for the Shanghai SM concert, [Red Velvet] came out with the rookies, too... TT.

The last comment refers to the Shanghai 'SM Town' concert clip below. When S.M.ROOKIES are introduced at the 1:20 mark, an image of Red Velvet leading the trainees can be seen. 

Considering After School and Nine Muses' graduation concept, I wouldn't be surprised if a rotational concept was thrown into the K-Pop mix. The question is if fans would be accepting of it.

Another rumor is that Red Velvet might be a sub-unit in a larger group, which would be another interesting twist.  What do you guys think? Do the rumors seem pretty valid so far or are netizens freaking out over nothing? 

Ryu fires back via Twitter, calls Winning Insight M's latest official statement a lie

Following recent official statement released by Winning Insight M, former MR.MR member Ryu fired back via Twitter, asserting that the agency is lying, while assuring fans not to worry too much.

He wrote, "I read the announcement well CEO. I don't know why you would lie, how are you going to handle the aftermath. E.g.) I talked back, [I was hit with] a vinyl file, I refused to record, I was treated equally, and that I exaggerated. I don't know about others, but our fans all know that I'm not the type of person to lie, but everything is going to be revealed soon, so don't worry too much [everyone] and wait just a little bit."

As mentioned in the previous report, Winning Insight recently relayed the news of youngest member Ryu leaving MR.MR. However, Ryu took to Twitter to address his side of the story, revealing that he had to leave the group due to physical assault and issues with the company and contract. However, the agency released a statement of their own to say that Ryu is exaggerating his story.

대표님의 공지글 잘읽었습니다. 정말 뒷감당 어찌하실려고 그런거짓말을 하셨는지모르겠네요 예)대들었다,비닐파일,녹음거부,동등하다 과장한것이다 다른사람몰라도 팬들은알아요 저는 거짓말못하는성격이라는거 곧밝혀질꺼니까너무걱정하지마세요 조금만기다려주세요

'Mix & Match's Yang Hong Seok and Jung Jin Hyung suspected to have left YG Entertainment

There are rumors popping up that both Yang Hong Seok and Jung Jin Hyung from 'Mix & Match' have left YG Entertainment, bringing sadness to the fans who have been supporting the two trainees for their debut since their elimination from iKON.

Following the final episode of 'Mix & Match,' it was stated that both trainees would remain in YG Entertainment and be "provided with a music and dance practice room for one year at YG to hone their skills."

However, speculation of his departure has started to arise when Yang Hong Seok's fan-site Bomhongsi put up a tweet stating that the trainee had left the agency. Bomhongsi wrote, "It's true that Yang Hong Seok left YG Entertainment. Please believe in and support his decision. Wherever he goes, Bomhongsi will walk alongside him :). Please continue to support so that 2015 will be the year of 'Yang' (Lamb / Sheep) Hong Seok. Thank you."

This report follows the earlier speculations of Jung Jin Hyung's departure from the agency which was tweeted by his fan club, Jung Jin Hyung-dot-com. A member of the fan club wrote back in early February, "I didn't expect to say such thing in such short time. Jung Jin Hyung-dot-com will still be supporting Jung Jin Hyung. In addition, Jung Jin Hyung departed from YG Entertainment for personal reasons and we state that it has nothing to do with the rumors of him getting pressured by others to leave. Please refrain from spreading rumors." 

Despite the unexpected leave, fans are hoping for the best for both Yang Hong Seok and Jung Jin Hyung.


