

SONAMOO say their role model is Big Bang, talk about their group name, and more

The showcase for TS Entertainment's new girl group, SONAMOO, took place recently at the Ilchi Art Hall where the girls talked about their group name (which means "pine tree" in Korean), role models, and more.

They were asked, "Weren't you guys taken aback when you first heard the group name?"Sumin said, "I was taken aback at first, but it's an unforgettable name and the meaning behind it is nice, so I really like it.  The pine tree is always green and never changes. This signifies that we will do music for a long time."

In relation to maintaining their physiques, Na Hyun said, "There's a gym and a park near the company, so we all go out together to exercise."  Eui Jin added, "Na Hyun likes to run, so she has the nickname 'Impala.'"

As to their role models, the girls chose Big Bang, saying, "We want to become people who receive love across the globe."  They were then asked, "Do you have a role model amongst girl groups?"

SONAMOO responded, "In some ways, we think of them all as friendly competition.  We will work harder to show a color that is unique to us."

They also talked about how they came to choose a hip hop track like "Deja Vu" as their debut song.  The members said, "We practiced with songs from different genres; amongst those, we practiced a song similar to the vibe of 'Deja Vu.'  We thought it matched us well, so we chose that genre."

What are your thoughts on their debut?

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