

Chanyeol explains his controversial winning speech mentioning Suho from '2015 Korea Drama Awards'

The '2015 Korea Drama Awards' has been filled with controversy what with people protesting Kim Soo Hyun's Daesang (Grand Prize) win and finding fault with Chanyeol's speech after he received the Rookie Male Award.

He had stated regarding the production that led to his win, 'EXO Next Door,' "Every scene seemed like a masterpiece, but there's a scene in which Suho steps on a water bottle I dropped and falls over.  That scene was a delight, so it still remains in my memory."

As this part of his speech proved problematic to the listeners, he further explained what he meant through Instagram on October 9.  He first relayed more thoughts on his win:"Today I received two awards.  I think of the awards I received today to mean I should work even harder as I represent the members, so I will show you a good image in the future.  I thank the EXO-L's who always give me love and everybody else."

He then elaborated, "Today, when I talked about Suho, he and I always laugh a lot when watching that scene; I did not mean that it was delightful but that it was the scene I think of the most.  I apologize to people who must have been hurt by it."

Do you think people were overreacting to his speech about Suho or do you think he should have phrased it more carefully?

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