

Supreme Court dismisses singer Kim Woo Joo's appeal for evading military service

Singer Kim Woo Joowho faked a mental illness in order to evade military service, was reported to have been sentenced to one year in prison by the Supreme Court. 

According to the legal community, the Supreme Court ruled a dismissal against Kim Woo Joo's appeal on August 21. At the trial that progressed this past July 7, the court stated, "[Kim Woo Joo] acted under false pretenses that he was suffering mental illness, exempting him from military service. Taking into consideration the compulsory military service and fairness, [Kim Woo Joo] needs to be severely punished," relating their reason for dismissing the singer's appeal. Much like the results of the original trial, the Supreme court sentenced Kim Woo Joo to one year in prison. 

It was reported that Kim Woo Joo objected to the ruling and submitted another appeal in that same month. However, that appeal was also dismissed by the Supreme Court. 

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