Nicole's album jacket cover as well as the name of her fanclub has been announce! Her solo mini album will be called 'First Romance', as revealed by online music sites, and her fanclub name will be 'Colling' (Nicole + Calling)!
Although specific details have not been released at this point, music sites list that a total of 6 tracks can be expected in this mini album, which is said to be produced by Sweetune. While fans await more information regarding her upcoming release, Nicole is helping to ease the wait a bit with a handwritten letter, which can be seen below.
The letter reads,
"Fans~<3 1st="" a="" adverse="" album.="" album="" also="" an="" and="" any="" are="" as="" be="" been="" big="" break="" but="" challenges="" changes.="" debut="" do="" don="" effect="" even="" finally="" first="" for="" forward="" full="" great="" handwriting...="" handwritten="" has="" have="" having="" honestly...="" hope="" how="" i="" image="" in="" is="" it.="" it="" jjak="" letter="" like="" look="" lot="" m="" me="" mini="" more="" mv="" my="" nervous="" nicole="" not="" of="" on="" other="" part="" participated="" please="" poisoning="" prepared="" really="" regrets="" released="" right="" s="" since="" so="" solo="" t="" teaser="" that="" the="" think="" this="" to="" took="" unveiled="" ve="" video="" wants="" was="" well="" why="" worries="" you...="" you="">3>
Also! The name for my fanclub has been confirmed to be 'Colling'! With this fan-made name, let's be together through and through like one family~<3 can="" finally="" heart="" meet="" my="" next="" sit="" still="" t="" we="" week.="" will="">-< Be careful of catching a cold until then and let's meet with a healthy and happy image! I love you~ I <3 -="" always="" i="" nicole="" smile:d.="" you="">3>3>
P.S. Fighting on your college entrance exams!"
As mentioned previously, Nicole will release her 2nd MV teaser on the 14th ahead of the release of her 1st mini album and solo debut showcase on the 19th!
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