On June 30, the Segye Ilbo released a surprising article, belatedly revealing that Park Bom was discovered attempting to smuggle drugs into South Korea... back in 2010! However, she was not charged, rather the case was mysteriously dismissed, which is unprecedented according to a prosecutor who is familiar with such cases. Although the case is rather intriguing and surprising, more people have been raising their eyebrows at the odd timing of the news, considering the event occurred nearly four years ago.
There are some netizens who are wondering, "Why is a situation that wrapped up four years ago exploding now?" and are clearly suspicious of the timing for the release of this report. It just so happens that the same day Park Bom's article came out, the government-related investigation into the tragic Sewol accident back in April were beginning at the National Assembly.
Currently, portal sites' real-time trending searches include "Park Bom" and "Sewol disaster support fund."
Many shocking items were exchanged during the Sewol investigation, as one side stated they secured testimony from the salvage unit, which took part in inserting air at the time of the Sewol disaster, claiming that what they used during the insertion job was not respiratory oil but rather industrial oil, which could cause harmful carbon monoxide to enter the human body. With all this serious talk going on in relation to one of the greatest tragedies the nation had to suffer in recent years, many people are wondering whether this big celebrity scandal was exposed much later than its time of occurrence in order to misdirect people's attention.
The reports will continue for two weeks until July 11.
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