

Super Junior celebrate the 8th anniversary of official fanclub ELF

The Super Junior members all took to Twitter to celebrate the eighth anniversary of their official fanclub, ELF!  

Donghae wrote, "8th year for ELF ^^ Love you!  It was the same in the past, will continue in the future, and we will love you until death do us apart!! :)  I love you so much it's crazy!! heh," and uploaded the picture above.

Ryeowook wrote, "There are a lot of listeners saying they were an ELF.  They say it's the eighth anniversary (yahoo) ^^  They may have forgotten, but we are grateful, even those feelings back then ^^ We will be better to the ELF of today, thank you ♡," and, "HARU ~* E.L.F. ♡ SUPER JUNIOR 8 sincerely Thank YOU~ are the ONE.  Will begin today's radio with a Super Junior song!  Will you accept my heart, ELF?  Kekekekeke."

Other members likewise celebrated this anniversary on their Twitter.  Congratulations to Super Junior and their fans!

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